Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I'm a Wide Mouthed Frog...

and I eat toddlers!
We made our own wide mouthed frog to go along with one of our favorite stories.
The Big Wide-mouthed Frog 
We started out by painting a paper plate green.
When it was dry, Eva colored the other side with a red crayon and then glued in a long tongue.
I then folded the plate in half and gave it a good pinch.  We glued on some eyes and drew on nostrils to complete our wide-mouthed frog.  Eva also decided he needed a fly to eat so I made a quick one out of scraps.
Yesterday we made a turtle but the batteries in my camera died just as we started so I didn't get any pictures of the process.  It was pretty simple- Eva glued tissue paper squares to the outside of a paper bowl and then colored the head, legs and tail green with various shades of green crayons (I would have used green construction paper but we were out).  I glued them on and here is how he turned out:
Pretty darn cute, if you ask me!


  1. Beyond pretty darn cute and I absolutely LOVE that book!!!

  2. Hi! I love your wide-mouthed frog that "eats toddlers"! LOL!

    I found your site while searching for frog ideas. I would love to invite you to share your frog craft in my Frog ABC'S Blog Hop. The ABC'S stands for Activities, Books, Crafts, and Snacks. I think your post fits right in with the Book/Craft part, don't you?

    You can find the Blog Hop here:

    I hop you will link up!
    I look forward to exploring me posts on your blog!
    K @ Storytime Fun

    1. Shoot! That should say:

      "I HOPE you will link up!
      I look forward to exploring MORE posts on your blog!"

      Sorry! LOL
