
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Happy December!

Let the countdown to Christmas begin!  We have two countdowns going in our house.  The first is this adorable magnetic cookie tray that my mom got for Eva at Hallmark.  Each day in December she will add a cookie to the sheet.
We also have another countdown that I made using a mini cupcake pan.  Behind each number is an activity to do that day.
Eva was so excited to be able to see what today's activity was- read a Christmas story.
She choose my favorite (and quickly becoming hers as well), Little Robin's Christmas by Jan Fearnley.
Little Robin's Christmas
It is the sweet story of a robin who gives away all his warm vests to cold animals in the days leading up to Christmas and ends up having nothing to keep himself warm.  His generosity is rewarded however by a special Christmas visitor.  We've read this several times a day since taking out the holiday books over the weekend.
The first day of December also brought us our first real snowfall of the year!


  1. so cute. I totally meant to make a paper chain countdown for eve. This is as crafty as I get!
