
Friday, December 3, 2010

Handprint Menorah

We read Hanukkah:  A Counting Book  by Emily Sper today.  Eva loved how the candles appeared and hearing me attempt to count in Hebrew and Yiddish (the story has both languages along with English).
Hanukkah: A Counting Book
After we read it a few times we set about making a menorah of our own.  Rather than painting handprints like we did last year, this year Eva chose to cut out handprints.  Lately she loves tracing her hand and then cutting it out so this was right up her alley!  I love her cutting strategy.  She trims around the item and then keeps cutting closer and closer to it.
She then asked me to finish them and we glued them onto a sheet of paper.  To add the flames, Eva dipped her finger into yellow paint and then dabbed them on each candle.
When the flames dried, I wrote Happy Hanukkah along the top and Menorah at the bottom.  Eva helped me count the candles and we labeled the shamash (helper candle).  Then we hung it in the window with our Star of David.
Happy Hanukkah everyone!


  1. It came out great!!! We also did a Hand-print menorah this week... :-)

  2. I love this, what a cute idea! Thanks so much for the menorah idea, I'll be linking.
