
Saturday, June 4, 2011

Butterfly Garden

The Easter Bunny brought Eva a butterfly garden and a few weeks ago the mail order caterpillars arrived.  Eva watched as they grew, spun their chrysalises and finally emerged as butterflies.  It was absolutely fascinating.  Every morning, as soon as she woke up, Eva had to run to peek at her creatures and observe how they were changing.  We referenced the butterfly lifecycle chart she made earlier in the spring throughout the experience.
Yesterday we released the butterflies back into the wild. 
I cannot recommend the Butterfly Garden enough.  We will definitely be ordering another set of caterpillars!  This time around we just observed but next time I plan on making a log for Eva to record her observations- counting caterpillars, their sizes, when they spun their chrysalises, when they emerged as butterflies, etc.  The options are endless!  


  1. Oh I can't wait to do this with my kids! So fun!

  2. This looks so cool. I really want to buy one for my kiddos.
