
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Building Creativity

Today I set Eva up with some marshmallows and toothpicks at the dining room table.  I showed her how to push the toothpicks into the marshmallows and connect and let her go to town.
This activity was great for working on fine motor skills and Eva learned about the need for a solid foundation (although watching the tower fall was tons of fun and became the new foundation!).
Eva loved adding the toothpicks and even returned to the sculpture while I was getting dinner ready.
250 toothpicks and a bigger support paper later, Eva unveiled her fantastic creation:
Who would have thought that a bowl full of mini marshmallows and some toothpicks could lead to such creativity!
abc button hands on : as we grow


  1. How old is Eva? I think this looks like so much fun, but I'm not sure Henry would get into it much... he's not quite 3.

  2. We did this just a couple of months ago as well. IT was lots of fun. My kiddos enjoyed it. At the time I had a 6, 5 and 3 year old.

    They enjoyed eating them too!

  3. We love to do this! Her creation is great!

  4. Now this is BRILLIANT! And certainly different. My son would LOVE LOVE LOVE this!!!

    Do come and join us on Kids Get Crafty! Latest link

    Would love to see you there!


  5. Wow, that is so cool. She did an amazing job. I'm still not ready to give Cam sharp objects yet, so we'll have to wait to give this one a try! Kirsten would love it though.

  6. I've decided to feature this on this week's High Five! on my blog - check it out at :

    Jamie @ hands on : as we grow

  7. Love the use of all the toothpicks (toothpick creatures!) ! She looks like she had a blast! Thanks for stopping at my blog!
