
Monday, January 17, 2011

Snow, Snow and More Snow... Plus Some Ice

There is no denying that winter is here!  We have been getting snow almost daily and the temps barely get into the twenties.  It's cold but we are having fun!

Snowflake Silhouettes- similar to these pretty winter trees, we'll be making some fancy snowflakes

Marshmallow Igloos- we'll build some igloos out of a tasty treat

Snow Painting- the lawn will be our canvas for this fun art project!

Melting Ice- we'll experiment to see what the best way to melt ice is

Ice Cube Trick- do you think we will be able to pick up an ice cube with a string?

Cracks in the Ice- using ice, salt and food coloring, we'll see how cracks form in ice as it melts

Frozen Bubbles- it's so cold out, even bubbles freeze!

Shaving Cream Snow- playing with shaving cream is always a tactile treat

Fun in the Snow- Not Just Cute shared this great list of things for preschoolers to do in the snow

Snow in the House- when it's too cold to play out in the snow, bring the snow in!

Snow Ice Cream- Jill at Meet the Dubiens shared a recipe for ice cream made with snow that we a dying to try out!

The Snowy Day The Snow Ghosts Snowflake Bentley In the Snow Snip, Snip...Snow! Millions of Snowflakes Oh! The Three Snow Bears Snow Hello, Snow! Names for Snow Snow book & CD set Snow Snow Day Let It Snow Snow Friends Stranger in the Woods: A Photographic Fantasy: Snowflake Edition 


  1. Oh there will be links in your future on the Greening blog! I LOVE so many of these ideas. And that list of books is incredible.
    Thanks so much for sharing.

  2. Thanks Abbie! I'm glad you can find some inspiration here!
