
Sunday, December 26, 2010

New Look for the New Year

I hope you have all enjoyed the holidays!  We are taking this week to unwind from all the excitement, unpack the gifts, pack up the decorations and get back into a regular routine.  As you may have noticed, we've been doing some renovations around the lounge.  I hope you like our new look!  There is now a button for you to grab and you can become a fan on Facebook.
We have some changes coming to our theme organization as well for the new year.  Rather than having just weekly themes, we will now have an overarching monthly theme including a new sensory bin each month and a science unit.  The weekly themes will fall under the monthly theme.  Being the crazy planner that I am, I'm excited that I have the entire year mapped out and ready to go!  2011 should be a great year full of exploring, investigating, creating and learning.  I hope you will join us for the adventure!