
Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Harvest

Welcome November!  It's time for harvesting and giving thanks.  This week is all about the bountiful harvest.

Toilet Paper Tube Scarecrow- we'll use scraps to transform a simple recyclable into a cute scarecrow

Puffy Paint Gourds- we'll create our own puffy paint to give texture to paper gourds

Fingerprint Indian Corn- no harvest is complete without some Indian (or Harvest) corn

Corn Cob Painting- I can't wait to see the abstract paintings Eva will create using a corn cob for a paint roller

Cornucopia Collage- Eva is going through a little scissor obsession of late so we'll put her skills to work cutting out pictures of food to place in a paper horn of plenty

Cup Crow- this little guy is too cute to pass up making

Five Crows All Shiny Black (sung to the tune of Five Green and Speckled Frogs)
Five crows all shiny black,
Sat on a scarecrow's back,
Eating some most delicious corn ... yum yum!
Scarecrow winked and shouted "Boo!"
Scared one crow and away he flew,
Now there are four black shiny crows, caw caw!

Scarecrow (sung to the tune of I'm A Little Teapot)
I'm a little scarecrow
Stuffed with hay,
Standing watch in my field all day.
When I see a crow
I like to shout:
"Hey, Mr. Crow, you'd better get out!"

Scarecrow, scarecrow- we'll be moving around following the lead of Mr. Scarecrow (like the Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear rhyme)

Gourd Exploration- we'll be touching and examining all different gourds

Harvest Sensory Tub- check out what it's in this month's tub

Corn Bread- we'll bake some yummy corn bread to enjoy

Strega Nona's Harvest The Ugly Pumpkin Harvest By the Light of the Harvest Moon The Scarecrow's Hat Little Black Crow (Richard Jackson Books (Atheneum Hardcover)) Scarecrow Hello, Harvest Moon Harvest Time Fall Harvest (Preparing for Winter) Possum's Harvest Moon 


  1. Can't wait to see all the fabulous stuff you guys do. Makes me sad that Canadian thanksgiving is already over. I'll just have to live vicariously through everyone else!

  2. Guess we missed the Harvest Moon this year. Looks like you have plenty of fun activities planned.

  3. Great post and thanks for joining WMCIR! I have no idea that there were so many books about Harvest Moon, we only read the last one. I am bookmarking the whole post for the next year.
