
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Pumpkin Farm and Pumpkin Cookies

The sun was shining and it was a gorgeous fall day so we headed to the pumpkin farm!  There were pumpkins everywhere!
Eva found the biggest one in the patch and it was heavy!
She also found some neat white pumpkins.
We picked out a bunch to take home.
Before heading out we stopped to visit some of the farm animals.  There were miniature donkeys, sheep, goats, deer and even some llamas.
Eva loved feeding the little goats but she kept a healthy distance from the rest of the animals.  We also discovered that her favorite zoo animals also live at the farm- guinea fowl- or as Eva calls them, noisy birds.
When we got home we whipped a batch of pumpkin chocolate chip cookies using this recipe.  I substituted one cup of flour with whole wheat flour and the oil with apple sauce to make them a little healthier.  When we had mixed up all the batter, I scooped it onto the baking tray and Eva added chocolate chips to make jack-o-lantern faces.
They came out great and are very tasty!
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1 comment:

  1. We're headed to the farm this week too, and I am excited to make pumpkin cookies this weekend! I love the chocolate chip faces! Cute idea! We might try raisins, too!
