
Monday, October 18, 2010

Hand and Footprint Bat

Today we made a cute little bat.  I painted Eva's foot and both her hands black and she pressed them onto a sheet of purple paper.
When it dried, I cut around the edge to help it take the shape of a bat.  Eva added googly eyes and I drew on a nose and mouth.  Eva got out her camera to take a picture too (I think I have a little blogger in the making!).


  1. Adorable! You know how I love handprint and footprint art!

  2. Cute! I think I'm your newest follower - you have some really neat ideas. We did a hand print bat too last week. Tomorrow I'll be posting a whole heap of bat might be able to do some with Eva - hope you find them helpful :-)

  3. This is so cute. I love the background paper and wiggling eyes too.

  4. Thanks Michelle! Can't wait to check them out!

  5. Our bats are drying right now!! Thank you for the idea!

  6. My little girl and I just did this! She kept giggling when I painted her foot! Great idea! :) (I was a first grade teacher b/f kids, too!)
