
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Halloween Games

I've added some Halloween games to our exploration station.  The first is a simple counting game using little pumpkin buckets and lima bean ghosts (similar to the dalmatians here- thanks for the idea Kathy!).  We are working on counting larger numbers so I labeled the buckets 10-15 and Eva had to count out the correct number of ghosts to go in each.
I thought it was neat that she counted them out on the floor first before placing them in the buckets.  It definitely made it easier to recount if she lost track.
I love how the ghosts look peeking out!
I also whipped up a quick Halloween matching game by placing stickers on squares of cardstock.  We play memory with the pictures facing up but I think Eva may be ready for the trickier version soon.
We have a similar game that came in our October issue of High Five that we can also play.
The sensory tub has gotten a little spookier
and the pompoms have been replaced with spiders in the tonging activity.
There is also a bowl of Halloween finger puppets and rings for Eva to explore (or stick all over Mommy)
and another counting activity using number cards and mini erasers from the dollar bins at Target.
The pumpkin pie play dough is still getting lots of use along with a collection of Halloween cookie cutters.

Finally we made a spider web using yarn and a paper plate.
I made a little die for Eva to roll to see how many spiders to place on the web.
I think we have enough to keep us occupied until the big day arrives!


  1. Great activities! Love the spider web! =)

  2. Lots of Halloween learning fun! I love the spider web game too! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Wow, so many awesome halloween activities! That pumpkin play doh sounds great.

  4. Love the paper plate spider web. Tagged for next year. Thank you for sharing.
