
Friday, September 17, 2010

Into the Woods

Today we ventured out into the woods in search of woodland creatures.  Before we left, we made a tasty treat for the birds (and most likely a few squirrels).  In the food processor we combined a cup of almonds with a few drizzles of oil and honey.
Then Eva helped coat two pinecones with the mixture.
(I had tied the strings on before adding the nut butter)
We also made a list of animals we might see while walking through the woods and brought along a crayon to add tally marks as we saw them.
Eva even wore her new squirrel shirt.  (Yes, I am one of those moms who buys clothes for her kid based on the themes she has planned- I'm nuts, I know!)
Then we were off to explore in the woods!
We ended up seeing a ton of squirrels, only one bird (but we heard a bunch) and even came face-to-face with this little fellow.
But no groundhogs on this trip.
Eva found the perfect tree to hang our bird treats in.
And we left a sunflower head full of seeds for them as well (our farmer's market was selling them for 25¢ so we snagged one to bring along on our adventure).
The ground was really wet from all the rain we received yesterday so we decided to wait to have our picnic in the woods but I think Eva had fun nonetheless.

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